
My first post


Hi Internet! Welcome to my blog. I will write about topics mostly related to Python and in special to Django.

This blog is also built with Django because I thought that if I'm going to write about Django and Python it makes sense that this blog is made with them.

You can find the source code in my GitHub.

It is a simple Django project with a Markdown editor for writing posts in the Django admin. For my me and this blog is exactly what I need but if you are looking for a CMS you should take a look to Wagtail.

Features of my blog project:

  • Django + Postgres + Nginx
  • Markdown support powered by Martor
  • Dockerized development and production setups
  • HTTPS for production

Note that the production environment is going to serve the media and static files with Nginx. I took the decision to have this "all-in-one setup" because I am not expecting to have a lot of traffic here. Please consider to use a cloud storage service if you are expecting more visitors in your website.